Release Notes V2.20.0

New Features

Threat Intelligence
We are thrilled to introduce our in-house Threat Intelligence engine. This highly anticipated feature enhances our customers' ability to prioritize vulnerabilities from all available sources with continuously updating threat intelligence. Key aspects include:

  • Threat Intelligence Tab - Finding View
    Our threat intelligence engine will automatically display data for identified vulnerabilities in the Finding view, impacting the calculated risk score within Opus. This empowers Opus customers to take effective measures to mitigate immediate risks within their attack surface.
  • Daily Threat Intelligence Score Updates
    The rating calculated by the Threat Intelligence mechanism is updated daily, providing Opus customers with the most current threat data.
  • Threat Intelligence Filters
    We have added new filters to navigate through findings, focusing on the most relevant information. These filters are integrated throughout the platform and can also be used for Notification Rules.


  • Filters
    The filter structure within the Risk View has been improved for more comfortable, faster, and coherent filtering of customer findings. Filters are now organized into clear categories.
  • Support RiskName Filter
    Customers can now filter based on the Risk Name of findings.
  • Range Filters
    Range filters are now available for any numerical attributes, such as Risk Score.
  • Cloud-to-Code
    Our C2C algorithm has been improved to achieve a better accuracy threshold.
  • Service Association
    Services will now auto-reassociate once a Workspace is created or associated with a Service.
  • SLA
    If a customer has not defined an SLA for Informational or Low severity, any incoming findings with these severities defined by the finding source will be dropped and ingested by Opus.

Changes to Previous Version

  • Bug Fixes
    Presentation of long numbers on the Dashboards.